Our Family

Our Family

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Cresent Beach-April 2009

Noah was 11 months old on April 28th! Less than 1 month until his 1 year birthday!! I can't believe how fast time goes! Noah took his first steps on April 16th :) He pulled up on the ottoman and took 3-4 steps away from the furniture! Since then, he is walking a few steps here and there, but not too much yet-crawling is faster and less scary! I got him some walking tennis shoes and he seems to like to walk while wearing the shoes a bit more. He really enjoys walking up and down the driveway with his push-walker.

He weighs about 27.5 lbs and he wears mostly 24 month clothing! He is such a big boy! He had been having fun going to the beach and the zoo recently! He has also had some fun playdates with his friends-going to the park, feeding the ducks, eating lunch, etc.! Noah has been drinking mostly out of sippy cups over the past couple of weeks and he had his first peanut butter and jelly sandwich last week! Noah says "ba-ba-ba" when he sees his cup! He gets so excited when Daddy comes home from work! He also loves dogs-he get really excited and usually will scream his happy squeal when he sees a dog! Noah is very social when we are in public-he smile at everyone who looks at him and he has learned to wave-his wave is just holding one arm up and toward the person he is waving to :)

Noah appreciated the beach so much the first time-we had to go again! We had a lot of fun! Noah can't wait for his next trip!

Strolling to the Oasis for breakfast

Noah loving the ocean

Noah and Ava

Noah is eating sand...again!
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